So here we are.. 2018.
It seems like a good as time as any to try and set out some goals for the forthcoming year.
In true Yoda style, I will ommit any sentiment of 'trying' and instead replace with a firm 'will do' sentiment.
I am going to blog more. Weekly.
Because of the increasing frequency, you can expect a wider range or topics to be covered.
I am going to update this website
It is woefully out of date. I'm not 32 any more for starters! and the projects are not up to date.
I am going to be more healthy
I seem to have stopped all exercise completely. Not good. I need to find another Badminton club to get my heart rate up regularly. Maybe the occasional jog. My diet could do with improving as well.
I am going to contribute to Open Source more
Part of my nature means I end up building lots of little useful things. I see no reason why I can't publish these to my public GitHub profile.
I am going to announce more side projects
I have at least a couple of side projects that I want to announce, one particularly close to being useable.
Perhaps elicit some help with their development as well.
I am going to continue development of Voice Controlled Browser
Voice Controlled Browser when completed will genuinly improve peoples lives.
To date, I have worked on individual components. Speech recognition, persistence, DOM parsing. What I need to do next is combine those peices together.
I am going to sit more Microsoft Exams
I have sat and passed 5 Microsoft exams previously in my career and they have served me well in my career development. I thoroughly recommend them to any developer.
Having passed 70-486 (Developing ASP.NET MVC Web Applications) last year, and scheduled to sit 70-480 (Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3) this month, I have realised I need only pass 70-483 (Programming in C#) as well to gain MCSA status.
I am going to attend the Microsoft Tech Summit
On January 24th/25th I'll be attending the Microsoft Tech Summit. Having attended it last year, I can say it was genually useful in learning more about the ever growing Microsoft offerings and how they can be applied to my workplace.
I am going to attend at least 2 Hackathons
This October i'll be attending HackManchester again, at which I had some success last year. I also intend on attending LeedsHack that I have been to a couple of times before.
And in an ideal world Hackference in Birmingham as well which was fun last year when I wrote a basic FPS in Unity.
I am going to be the best father, husband and human being I can be
This is important. Being a well rounded individual means appreciating and being thankful for what you have, loving your friends and family and striving to better oneself and help others.
2018.. Let's do this.