App Concept To Store 30 Day Challenge Day 1
App Concept To Store 30 Day Challenge - Day 1
Friday 1st June
Source Control Setup
I’ve created the git repository in Visual Studio Online. I love that these git repositories are free.
Creating Initial Project / Solution
I’ve created the initial Xamarin Project and Solution in Visual Studio and committed it to my git repository.
Website Design Procrastination
As I spend most of my time developing MVC web apps this feels very natural for me; a lot more natural than developing Xamarin applications. I intend on creating a simple companion website for the app at and can see myself working on it as/when I get stuck on the Xamarin app.
I am no designer so am looking for some applicable simple ‘app’ marketing templates on I’ll then take that HTML / CSS and create an MVC web app from it.
I think that is enough for today. I have family obligations this weekend so don’t see myself making any progress on this over the weekend so the next chance i’ll get to make any progress is 4th June :-o
Next steps..
Get the default / blank app building on my Mac and deploying to my iPhone
Start sourcing sound effects for the app
Design wireframe screens for the app