App Concept To Store 30 Day Challenge Day 12
Tuesday 12th June
Play Buttons Now Play Sound
I’ve made it so the sound only plays when pressing the button and not the ListView item. Much better.
Play Sound Fixed
I managed to fix the weird bug where the sound only played for less than half a second then stopped. I’m not sure completely why, but using a different code sample did the trick.
Investigated Button Icons
I’ve investigated how to add icons to buttons. It doesn’t seem as simple as it used to be on Windows Phone XAML (which had built in icon sets) but never mind. I only need a triangular play button so it’s not going to tax me too much I don’t think.
Started Add To Favourites
I’ve started the skeleton code for adding a sound to the users favourites. It’s probably going to be more of a ‘toggle favourite’ operation.
Bottom Navigation Layout Fixed
You may have noticed from previous screenshots that my bottom navigation buttons weren’t stretching full width. I’ve fixed it so they are now..
Links that helped
I was happy to fix a couple of bugs tonight. It makes the app feel more stable even though it lacks in functionality at the moment.
I’ve been giving some thought to the branding / icon for the app.
Next steps..
- Add / remove from favourites functionality
- Add a bit of design flair??
- Add icons to play and add buttons