Chrome Extension

ASPNET YSOD Chrome Extension

YSOD extension in action

I don't know about you but i've often wished I could click on parts of the ASP.NET YSOD (yellow screen of death) to open the applicable erroring files.

So i've developed a Google Chrome extension plugin that converts local file paths mentioned in the ASP.NET YSOD (Yellow Screen Of Death) into file links (file:///).

Unfortunately this initial version will not open the file in an editor like notepad of Visual Studio, it merely shows the content of the file within the browser. The code is ridiculously simple and consists mainly of a RegEx and i'm sure can be improved upon.

The code is on GitHub here Please feel free to grab a copy to play with or submit pull requests to improve it.

I have not yet submit it to the extension gallery but may do so shortly, so if you are looking to use it in the meantime I suggest you get the files from GitHub and Google 'packing local extensions' to learn how to run local extensions.