Masters Education PersonalDevelopment

MBA or MSc

I've mentioned previously that I love technology, I love management and I love leadership. I'm not claiming to be an consummate expert in all of these things all of the time but I do love them.

I don't know if it is because it is 2020, or i'm in my mid thirties quickly approaching my forties but my thoughts have recently yet again wandered back to doing a Masters degree. I don't seem to be able to escape these thoughts. There is obviously a great time and financial commitment involved (and for me it would have to be 100% online part time), but that doesn't seem to phase me. I'm just hardwired for personal development and growth I suppose.

When I look at some of the postgraduate Masters degrees available, one in particular looks like a dead ringer for me.

MSc Innovation, Leadership and Management from the University of York. This degree has 11 modules that include Strategy, Operations, Leadership, Marketing, as well as Change and Innovation Management. Many of the topics covered in my Business Administration diploma but with greater depth and breadth i'd imagine.

Which sounds absolutely ideal being passionate about innovation and how to lead and manage it in a business.

But then I've come across this degree as well..

MBA Leadership & Innovation from Edinburgh Napier University. It also includes modules on Strategy, Management, Leadership, Innovation, Change, Finance and Marketing, is also 100% online and is almost the same cost and duration.

But this one is an MBA.

So how on earth does one choose a Masters?

I'm fully aware that MBA's are often held by C-Level executives, but do people generally distinguish between MBA's and MSc's these days? If so, why and how?

Is the providing institution more of a discerning factor when selecting a Masters?

Planning on spending the next 2 to 2.5 years working towards a Masters, I feel it is only right to spend sufficient time ensuring I select the right one for me.

I'd genuinely like to hear peoples opinions on Masters, MBA's and MSc's. Have they helped their career? Opened doors? Been a waste of time & money? The best thing they've ever done?

-- Lee