Hackathon HackManchester

Hack Manchester 2014

Hack Manchester

Hack Manchester 2014

Last year I attended Hack Manchester alone and built a Windows 8 app that to date has had over 3000 downloads.

This year I attended with 3 co-workers together representing Kitbag.

We worked on a web application called 'Currently Working On' that helps promote transparency across organisations by showing what

individuals and teams are currently working on.

It was developed in ASP.NET MVC 5, Entity Framework, SQL Server and Signal R.

The majority of prize winning hacks seemed to be mobile apps.

Unfortunately we weren't shorlisted for any of the prizes. I guess web apps just aren't sexy any more. But we will be back next

year i'm sure. Perhaps with 2 teams.

The event seems to get better every year. This year having free massages available! (Please have this next year!)

-- Lee