Strongly typed variables v Stringly typed variables
Last week on Twitter I coined the terms Strinteger, StrateTime, Stroolean and Strecimal to describe values that are stored as strings but used to represent other types (integers, DateTimes, Booleans and Decimals). This is usually bad practice but couldn't think of a word for this practice.
I.e. storing an integer 1234 as "1234" in the database.
@cfischer83 called them "Stringly typed" which I thought was funny..
If no-one has already coined the terms strinteger, strool, stratetime and my favourite strecimal then let me be the first
— Lee Englestone (@LeeEnglestone) September 2, 2014
In fact the guys at the Coding Blocks podcast liked the terms so much they mentioned them in a podcast episode.
Strinteger has found its way into our vocabulary at work now.
-- Lee